VirusBuster Search Component

The VirusBuster Search Component is responsible for searching and disinfecting viruses. 

The search path can be specified by drag-and-drop technology: if an Explorer window is open, the files/directories can be dropped into the seach window.

New search areas can be added by pressingthe INSERT key.

Warning! On Windows NT the Boot can be scanned only if the VirusBuster Shield is active, or if the logged user is an administrator on the local computer.

Search window

The search window is necessary to  start the search. The  Search initiates the virus scan. The window contains additional data like the last identified virus, the last infected file, the number of scanned, infected, suspicious and cleaned files, and the name of the scanned file.

The search path can be specified in two ways:

  1. The fastest way is to select all local drives and all network drives in the component toolbar.

  2. The second way is to select one-by-one the directories/drives to be scanned.

General settings window

This window contain the place for setting general properties for the VirusBuster Scan Component.

Interactive Communication
With this switch selected the program will prompt the user in case of each infected/suspicious object. Otherwise the program will follow the settings specified in Search method.
Quick Scan
The quick scan can be started by pressing the left mouse button and selecting the Scan item of the appearing popup menu. This starts the VBScan.EXE command line scanner that is part of the VirusBuster installation. This program will follow the settings specified in Search method except for the following 2 options:
Interactive communication
With this switch selected the program will prompt the user in case of each infected/suspicious object. 
Show progress dialog
With this switch selected the progress of the current search operation will be displayed in a progress window.

Search area settings

Search areas settings
With this switch selected the program checks the system memory for viruses.
Master Boot Record
With this switch selected the program checks the Master Boot Record for viruses.
Boot sector
With this switch selected the program checks the Boot sector for viruses.
With this switch selected the program checks the folders for viruses
Selected files
With this switch selected the program checks the specified files. The list includes the possible virus targets.
Packed files
With this switch selected the program checks the files in packed archives.

Note: the Boot sector search and the Master Boot Record search can only be executed if VBShield is running or the current user has administrator privileges.

The selected files list contains the following file types:

Target files

This section describes the files to be scanned by the program.

All files
The program will scan all files for viruses. this is a very time consuming operation.
Selected files
The program will check only selected specific file. These can be the following:
  • Program files: files that are executable in Windows operating systems.
  • Document files: Microsoft Office document files, the most common targets for Word macro viruses.
  • Table files: Microsoft Office spreadsheet files, the most common targets for Excel macro viruses.
  • Jet engine files: Microsoft Office database files, the most common targets for Access macro viruses.
  • Script files
Included files

This section contains the additional file extensions to be scanned.

Excluded files

This section contains the file extensions to be excluded from the scan.

Search method settings

Normal scan
This field specifies the scan sensitivity:
The available options are:
On killable virus found
This section specifies the action to be performed when a disinfectable virus is detected:
The available options are:
On not killable virus found

This section specifies the action to be performed when a not disinfectable virus is detected:

The available options are:
Heuristic scan

This section contains the settings concerning the heuristic scan options vor the VirusBuster Scanner.


The available options are:

On found

This section contains the actions that should be performed when a virus is found.

The available options are:

Macro heuristic scan

This section contains the settings of the heuristic macro virus scan.

The available options are:

On found

This section contains the actions that should be performed when a macro virus is found.

The available options are:

Delete macro

VirusBuster Kft., 1988-2001